Tag: Birth Injury

Birth Injury Related to Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Pregnancy

Diabetic ketoacidosis in pregnancy is a serious medical condition which can threaten the life of the pregnant patient and the fetus.  Obstetricians and nurses who care for pregnant patients need to recognize signs of diabetic ketoacidosis, confirm the diagnosis, and provide timely treatment to assure the health of the patient and fetus.

Should Your Doctor Have Performed a C-Section?

Modern medicine has given doctors the gift and the curse of having to decide on a method of delivery in childbirth. Today, cesarean section births are carefully orchestrated procedures where a physician delivers a baby surgically via incisions in a mother’s abdomen and uterus. But for most of human history, the decision to opt for a c-section over a vaginal birth was a necessary last-ditch effort to prevent the death of a mother in labor. Before antiseptics, antibiotics, anesthesia, and midwifery became common in American hospitals, the risks of complications from c-section surgery far outweighed the benefits in all but the most urgent cases.

Negligent Resuscitation of a Newborn

An infant’s entrance into the world is a challenging time. Going from intrauterine to extrauterine life results in many physiological changes; the lungs take over

Infections in the Newborn

During and after birth, infants are at risk of contracting serious infections. Many neonatal infections can lead to devastating consequences if not detected and treated

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